Sunday, May 24, 2015

The Future, The Past, Never A Present.

She drank genocide.
Killing an entire species of love it was different from all the rest.
Her funeral was a water park.
My throat was dry.
My lips have nowhere to go.
And my heart has already left.
She slept forever.
All my fingers broken, entangled.
My hands have nothing to hold.

As she whispers into my ears I put flowers on her grave.
She's 6 feet away and that's the closest I'll ever get.
No lies have ever broken my soul like this. I'm shaking like a waterfall
My foot has never hit the floor so fast that shift in the fifth.
Nature Vs. Nature River Vs. River
We're head on.
I try talking to you one last time but you're still asleep.
Now crashing into the biggest rock we've ever seen.
I sleep.
I'm six feet under now and my funeral is a water park.


  1. Ill miss you Colby. You were always one of my favorites. With or without the hair. I just liked your words.

    And you're good at footbag.

  2. Your funeral was a waterpark, and my throat was dry.

    perfect ending colby, I'm speechless.

    im so jealous of you and how you write. i am going to miss you the most out of all my high school friends. i wish i would have met you earlier. please call me often and we will do something i promise. thanks for listening, and thanks for always being so good to me ((k this is getting tender, more tender than your note to garrett))

    stay strong.

    you've always been my favorite.

  3. six feet away, and that's the closest I'll ever get.

    you're something else colby barton. this was heavy but golden.

  4. This was beautiful thank you for a great year
