Monday, November 30, 2015

Neptune, you are the coldest blue

The sky matches the color of your skin.
An ice blue
Blue a neptune blue.
Blue I kissed you
Blue I miss you
Blue you are so cold
Blue you are frozen now.
Your lips match the matches.
And blue everytime I kiss your blue body I taste the cherry red on your mouth.
It taste like, like love.
Your nails match my favorite color
Blue everytime I grabed your hands all the worlds riches are inside of mine.
It's all gold and I am so rich
Your teeth match the snow outside.
Blue it's so white I can't see.
Let me be you, hold still while I make a snow angel inside of your smile.
You are so perfect.
Every part of you is god.
Blue I love you.
Blue + red + gold + white = Love
And blue you are love
You are red and you are perfect
You are gold and you are god.
You are white, and you are dead.

I buried you inside neptune so it could match your skin. Blue. but now that you are 6 ft under on abother planet you may never come back. I hope you do but you are dead. You are blue and you are cold and you are dead.

So long....



  1. Let me be you, hold still while I make a snow angle inside your smile.

    Favorite line from my favorite kid.

  2. This is really beautiful. And it makes you feel. Thank you.

  3. When I'm a teacher, if any of my students ask me what my favorite planet is, I'll say Neptune.

    You are blue and you are cold and you are dead.

    You don't give yourself enough credit Colby kimber

  4. COLBY

    this is too good

    I miss listening to you slam, you had the best delivery and I was always so jealous

    oh and CLOSETS ARE NOT JUST FOR GAY PEOPLE so make room

  5. hey colby barton. I love this.
    so fragile and so powerful at the same time.
    come to provo already.

  6. I'm sorry I didn't read this with you. I let you, and my A4 class, and Neptune down.
