Sunday, October 12, 2014

I'm just trying to explain my hearts names

Its called impressing everyone. Its called playing the right
 song at the right TIME. Its called TIME wont ever stop
 but the world just might. they said TIME stops when
 you fall in love but that's not true cause my 
physics assignments are still late. Its called they 
would have got done 
on TIME but I brought you flowers instead.
 Its called forgetting to put an egg in and how no
recipe ever tasted better. Its called I joked with her
 to much and she took it serious to much and now
 I  will always be a mark on her skin and I will
 never forget how that made me feel. Its called
 the playground bully is real. Its called running
 between the swings and if you were at the same
 height you could be married so quickly. So simple.
 Its called I've never actually killed two birds with 
one stone or one bird with one stone and I've never 
seen a bird get up early enough to catch the worm.
 It's called nelson was right, vanilla will never let
 you down but cranberry apple M&M just might.
 Its called I could never explain to you what ame
 my heart will respond to but at least I tried my
 best cause it beats over 100,000 times a day and 
not once did I tell him to. If he would just listen
 to me maybe he would of never got broken


  1. I love the last part, about your heart. Wonderful. I understand.

  2. my heart just stopped...
    and now its back.

    really i love all of this, you have beautiful words and they make thoughts so clear

  3. that whole paragraph about the egg and the swings
    and yeah the playground bully is real.
