Sunday, October 5, 2014

Things that matter more to me then they do to you. (extra 5)

Ice cream cones, silence, the way that she smiles, the different flavors of Burt bees chap sticks. every flower in the world especially daisy's, 
chocolate milk and I cant remember why, the fact my sister made me a blanket, Chipoltle but not because I've never eaten there. Hairspray and screw drivers. Swings. Storage units, the smell and taste and look of cantaloupe. Fishing (I've never been.) 200 foot cliffs. Macaroni and tomato juice with diced cheese, hmm diced cheese. the seat closest to the window but also closest to my mom. chewing gum loudly. Wisconsin, Boston, and Chicago, twitter. drinking fountains, Germany and how they were my brothers favorite team before they were mine, tramp game, sour gummy worms. easy bake ovens, the colors black blue and white. oh and dark grey. Each one of these things mean something to me but you may never know why.


  1. But you may never know why

    This post makes me happy :)

  2. Such a beautiful post about things that matter to you and nobody else. Great job.

  3. "The seat closest to the window, but also closest to my mom."

    I like that a lot. I'm not sure why, but I do.
